intelligent manufacturing hong kong

More about intelligent manufacturing

Intelligent manufacturing technology has been around for more than a decade. And as the market progresses and technology becomes more advanced, it’s only about to improve. In this blog post, we’ll look at how intelligent manufacturing hong kong can help improve production efficiency and profitability in the future.


As far as we know, the first use of intelligent manufacturing was in the automotive industry. After all, they were the ones who were all too aware that they were facing a problem with component variation, which can lead to defects and inconsistencies in their products.


To understand the problem, you need to know that today’s vehicles have thousands of components, and virtually all of them vary from each other to some extent. Manufacturers compensate for this by installing a massive amount of redundancy into their systems and parts. If a product is missing 5% of its parts, for example, an engineer might install up to 10% bigger components.


This makes your car heavier, but at least it won’t malfunction in some minor way while you’re driving. In reality, though, this solution could be more efficient in the long run because it requires that you purchase more materials than necessary to reach 100% perfection, which is why auto manufacturers are trying to change their design processes.


The driver of this change is the increasing complexity of automobiles. As car manufacturers try to be more efficient in their design process, they will spend more time and money on testing, which means that they might not get the return on investment they desire.


Additionally, if you’re using a complicated design process but still have to deal with variation, that can mean that your product needs to adapt better to the market.

What intelligent manufacturing is and how to introduce it – Yamato Scale


The solution here is smart manufacturing technology, allowing manufacturers to optimize their designs in real time and reduce the wasted money and resources that go into producing products.


Today’s world is already highly connected, so why not make it even more? The fact that people are buying more products than ever makes me believe we’re heading in a digital direction. As people increasingly rely on goods to help them do their daily tasks and fulfill their needs, they’ll find manufacturers eager to exploit technology to deliver superior products in a shorter period.


When it comes to intelligent manufacturing, many people think of it as a cutting-edge piece of technology. It’s not quite as futuristic as you might think it is. Many modern technologies have been slowly converging to give us the final product we see today.


After some time, this technology started being used for real-time data transmission between systems and devices, and the internet was born. And now, thanks to our uniform communication system, we’re able to communicate faster than ever before and create better products in the process.


So what does any of this have to do with smart manufacturing? Intelligent manufacturing is even more of a software technology than a hardware one. It’s an evolutionary technology that can be experienced today without waiting for tomorrow’s intelligent factories. And because of this, manufacturers worldwide are already successfully combining smart manufacturing with other technologies and reinventing the way they design their products.

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