Top Cool and Special Effects to Use in Imovie

Top Cool and Special Effects to Use in Imovie

Looking for the Imovie for Windows alternative, then you will find plenty of software. But you will not find the software like Imovie, because it gives the top-notch results in the editing of videos. This software has the potential to edit the videos and don’t destroy the quality of video after the editing. By using this software it helps you in adding the special effects, trim, cut the video to make the video more remarkable and funny to watch. This software provides plenty of different types of features which you can use in your video and make your video special and interesting to watch. There are numerous types of alternative which are available on the internet.

Here are some best Imovie for Windows alternative:

  • Video Pad Video Editor
  • Corel Video Studio
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Ace Thinker Video Master
  • ApowerEdit
  • Cyberlink Power Director
  • Light Works
  • Shortcuts
  • Filmora
  • Typo

Imovie for windows alternative

Using the Imovie software is an ideal choice because it is famous and popular video editing software which is used by many professional and skilled video editors for their work. With the help of Imovie software, you can easily add the soundtracks, voice recording and also replace the background of the video by using the green screen effects. If you use this software, then you can easily add the images, titles, and text in the video for giving the special credits to the person who is performing in your video and movie.

  • Green and Blue Screen: It is very difficult to shoot the video in a different location to add more effective and to attract location in your videos. But you can do one thing that you can use the Imovie software. Using this software for editing the video background in a great choice. In this software, you can use the green and blue screen effects which are best for changing or replacing the background of the videos.
  • Dolly Zoom Effect: This effect can use while you are shooting the video, but if you have installed the Imovie in your PC, then it will do wonders for your video. With the help of Imovie, you can do the Dolly Zoom Effect right the shoot of the video. By using this effect, it helps in creating wonderful videos in a quick way.
  • Steadycam Effect: It is an incredible and wonderful effect which you can use in the Imovie at the time of video editing. This effect is used by many professional to keep track of the object in the video. It is a very useful effect that you can use in Imovie for a track on the moving object in the video.
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